Learning Objectives
At the end of this module you should be able to:
1 – Know how to notify an athlete verbally and in writing.
2 – Know what the rights and responsibilities of an athlete are.
3 – Know when an athlete can delay his/her reporting to the doping control station.
4 – Know when an athlete must have a representative or an interpreter present.
Key Things to Remember
1 – Notification should occur as soon as practicably possible after the athlete finishes the competition.
2 – SCP should be discreet when notifying an athlete.
3 – Plan the approach and timing of the notification.
4 – Introduce yourself to the athlete when notifying him/her, explain the reason you are there and show your SAIDS SCP card and letter of authorisation.
5 – Verbally confirm the athlete’s identity.
6 – Inform the athlete of his/her rights and responsibilities.
7 – Inform the athlete of the location of the doping control station.
8 – Never give an athlete any beverage to drink.
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