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SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ANTI-DOPING RULES: 2021 (draft) – open for comment

The Sports Movement and Public Authorities formally adopted a revised World Anti-Doping Code in late 2019 at the World Conference Against Doping in Sport in Poland.  National Anti-Doping Agencies such as the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS)* have one year to adapt the Code into National Anti-Doping Rules that will form the anti-doping framework for South Africa. 


The South African National Anti-Doping Rules: 2021 has now been drafted for stakeholder review. The Rules are applicable to all national sports federations recognized by South African Confederation of Sport and Olympic Committee (SASCOC). These national rules have been certified as code compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).  National Federations who are Members of SASCOC automatically fall under the jurisdiction of these national rules. The application of these rules apply to all national sports federations and do not conflict with the anti-doping rules that your respective international parent bodies have adopted. 


I urge you to designate at least two officials in your executive management structure to review these draft national rules and provide SAIDS with any comments, if any, by 23rd October 2020 (comments can be sent to Your comments will be reviewed and considered before the formal adoption of the Rules by the SAIDS Board.


Communicated on behalf of Khalid Galant (Chief Executive Officer)

2021 SAIDS Rules (draft)

*SAIDS is an independent public entity who receives its jurisdiction and authority from the Drug-Free Sport Act (Act No 14, of 1997 as amended by Act No.25 of 2006). As such, SAIDS is the national custodian of the World Anti-Doping Code and the implementing agency for South Africa’s National Anti-Doping Rules.