The information listed here incorporates the resumption and continuation of testing during the COVID-19 Pandemic with a continued focus on the health and safety for both the Sample Collection Personnel (SCP) and Athletes and includes the following:
1. Updated guidance on the actions or the steps and procedures that SAIDS have put in place prior to conducting a sample collection session as well as risk mitigation measures that have been added to the sample collection procedure. This information is documented in the SAIDS COVID-19 Policy on the Sample Collection Procedure.
2. Supporting information and best practices on the following:
a) The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Annexure A – Safety Measures Information Guide.
b) An example of a COVID-19 Athlete Questionnaire, Annexure C.
c) An example of a COVID-19 SCP Questionnaire, Annexure D.
3. Supporting information to assist Athletes to create awareness of the drug-testing procedure during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Annexure B.