Testing is an important part of any effective anti-doping program and the area that most often comes to mind when thinking about anti-doping. From test planning and collection of a urine or blood sample, through the results managements process, SAIDS provides a thorough program, with policies and procedures in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, the WADA International Standards and the SAIDS Anti-Doping Rules.
Registered Testing Pool
The whereabouts information is essential to anti-doping programs and to show a top-level athlete’s dedication to doping-free sport. It will not only protect you as a 100% clean athlete, but it will also protect the integrity of sport.
Athlete Biological Passport
The fundamental principle of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is to monitor selected biological variables over time that indirectly reveal the effects of doping rather than attempting to detect the doping substance or method itself.
Athletes & Support Personnel Roles & Responsibilities
It is important for athletes and athlete support personnel (ASP) to thoroughly understand their roles and responsibilities regarding anti-doping – as detailed in ARTICLE 22 of the SAIDS Anti-Doping Rules:
Roles and Responsibilities of Athletes
- To be knowledgeable of and comply with these Anti-Doping Rules.
- To be available for Sample collection at all times.
- To take responsibility, in the context of anti-doping, for what they ingest and Use.
- To inform medical personnel of their obligation not to Use Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods and to take responsibility to make sure that any medical treatment received does not violate the Anti-Doping Rules.
- To disclose to their International Federation and to SAIDS any decision by a non-Signatory finding that the Athlete committed an anti-doping rule violation within the previous ten (10) years.
- To cooperate with Anti-Doping Organisations investigating anti-doping rule violations.
Roles and Responsibilities of Athlete Support Personnel (ASP)
- To be knowledgeable of and comply with these Anti-Doping Rules.
- To cooperate with the Athlete Testing program.
- To use his or her influence on Athlete values and behaviour to foster anti-doping attitudes.
- To disclose to his or her International Federation and to SAIDS any decision by a non-Signatory finding that he or she committed an anti-doping rule violation within the previous ten (10) years.
- To cooperate with Anti-Doping Organisations investigating anti-doping rule violations.
- ASP shall not Use or Possess any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method without valid justification.
InnoVero Sample Collection Equipment
1. Why is SAIDS transitioning from Berlinger to InnoVero sample collection equipment?
SAIDS is committed to identifying and implementing the most effective and athlete-friendly solutions, methods, and technologies. InnoVero offers innovative and unmatched features that will improve the testing experience for athletes and enhance sample security.
2. How is InnoVero different from other equipment?
InnoVero incorporates features designed to improve the overall user experience and provide unprecedented security. Some of the athlete-friendly features and security technologies are:
- The Innovero “A” and “B” bottles are made from a proprietary polymer material, which is not only stronger and lighter than glass, but also contains tamper-evident and anti-counterfeit qualities to deliver state-of-the-art security.
- The bottle openings are approximately three times larger than other test kits, making it much easier for athletes to distribute samples into the “A” and “B” bottles.
- The bottles feature a trihexagonal shape intended to improve grip and usability.
- The locking mechanism is entirely transparent and fully engages in just three clicks every time.
- InnoVero features a partial sample vault and security tag to ensure the integrity of partial samples until the full sample is ready for processing.
- InnoVero is a universal collection kit and can secure both urine and blood samples, eliminating the need for two different kits and improving the consistency of collections.
- InnoVero equipment is the only sample collection equipment available that has been certified to the recently developed and published NSF International Protocol: NSF P490-2020 Drug Testing Sample Collection and Security Equipment. This protocol not only ensures compliance with the WADA ISTI, but establishes standards and testing protocols that objectively evaluate function, sample integrity, and performance. Athletes will soon see the below mark on InnoVero equipment and packaging, providing them confidence that the equipment meets the highest standards.
3. How often will I see the InnoVero test kits and who else can use them besides SAIDS?
Athletes will experience InnoVero test kits every time they are tested by a SAIDS DCO when full implementation takes place after July 2021. InnoVero may also be used by other anti-doping organisations. However, athletes should be aware that they may continue to experience other World Anti-Doping Code compliant sample collection equipment during the testing procedure e.g. Lockcon, Berlinger, Versapak.
4. Does the sample collection process change?
The sample collection process will generally remain the same and some processes will even be more streamlined e.g. the distribution of samples will be easier with a no-drip collection cup and larger sample bottle openings. Athletes will also only need to turn the lid three times to secure the “A” and “B” sample bottles.
The partial sample process is perhaps the most significant change athletes will experience. With InnoVero, athletes will quickly and securely store partial samples in a partial sample vault that is protected with a unique ID security tag and only accessible when athletes are ready to process a full sample.
5. What are the key security features?
Superior to glass, the proprietary polymer material that forms the InnoVero bottles is embedded with tamper-evident and anti-counterfeit technologies. The locking mechanism is also fully transparent and contained within the bottles once properly sealed, making the locking mechanism inaccessible. The only way samples can be accessed is through a special opening device provided only to World Anti-Doping Agency accredited laboratories.
6. How can I be sure that the InnVero test kits are secure?
In developing the test kits InnoVero engaged sport technology innovators and the stakeholders who are most familiar with anti-doping equipment, including athletes and laboratories, to help identify the most effective features, materials, and processes required for a secure sample collection solution. More than two years of research yielded tamper-evident and anti-counterfeit technologies, a resilient bottle material, and an inaccessible locking mechanism. The audible and visual components to the locking mechanism ensure athletes know that their sample is fully secure.
7. Will there ever be an event where I have a choice of sample collection equipment?
If you are tested in South Africa athletes will not have a choice of sample collection equipment. However, if you are tested in other regions of the world you may continue to utilise alternative sample collection solutions, such as Berlinger, Versapak and Lockcon. Athletes will be subject to the sample collection kit in use by SAIDS or other anti-doping organisation agencies at the time of their test.
What happens if an athlete tests positive or face an Anti-Doping Rule Violation?
The process is called “Results Management” and there is a specific International Standard for Results Management that sets out the core responsibilities of Anti-Doping Organizations with respect to Results Management. In addition to describing certain general principles of Results Management (section 4), this International Standard also sets out the core obligations applicable to the various phases of Results Management from the initial review and notification of potential anti-doping rule violations (section 5), through Provisional Suspensions (section 6), the assertion of anti-doping rule violations and proposal of Consequences (section 7), the Hearing Process (section 8) until the issuance and notification of the decision (section 9) and appeal (section 10).
The WADA CODE makes specific provisions for the Results Management Process – the following articles in the CODE are of specific relevance:
- Code Article 2 Anti-Doping Rule Violations
- Code Article 3 Proof of Doping
- Code Article 5 Testing and Investigations
- Code Article 7 Results Management: Responsibility, Initial Review, Notice and Provisional Suspensions
- Code Article 8 Results Management: Right to a Fair Hearing and Notice of Hearing Decision
- Code Article 9 Automatic Disqualification of Individual Results
- Code Article 10 Sanctions on Individuals
- Code Article 11 Consequences to Teams
- Code Article 13 Results Management: Appeals
- Code Article 14 Confidentiality and Reporting
- Code Article 15 Implementation of Decisions
- Code Article 20 Additional Roles and Responsibilities of Signatories and WADA
The WADA Doping Control Process
Related Links
SA Medication Check Tool Global-DRO Medication Check Tool REGISTERED TESTING POOL Who needs to apply for a TUE? Doping casesSubmit your whereabouts electronically.
Principle of Strict Liability
- An athlete is strictly liable for the substances found in his/her sample – an anti-doping rule violation occurs whenever a prohibited substance (or its metabolites/markers) is found in a sample, whether or not the athlete intentionally or unintentionally used a prohibited substance or was negligent or otherwise at fault
- The athlete has the possibility to avoid or reduce sanctions if he/she can establish to the satisfaction of the tribunal how the substance entered his/her system, that he/she wasn’t at fault or in certain circumstances did not intend to enhance his/her sports performance. The burden of proof is on the athlete.